Laws of Love
Do not ask me a full list of Laws of Love, for I do not yet know them all ... I do trust however that 'one day' I will live them all!
Do not ask me a full list of Laws of Love, for I do not yet know them all ... I do trust however that 'one day' I will live them all!
These Laws of Love often helped me to discern the way back to love when stuck in the negative feelings of not-love.
Here are some of the Laws of Love I discovered along the journey and which have proven over and over to be true, to lead to more truth and to more love:
Law of prayer:
'Ask and you shall receive'
Works each time and not always in the ways I expect
Law of non-ownership:
'I own nothing'
This is so liberating and so opposite our matrix life, it is the basis of being rooted in Love (not in my things, titles, ownerships, truths, ideas, …)
Law of compensation:
'Every action in or out of alignment with Love has its consequences'
In alignment it will bring more love and truth, out of alignment it will bring other feelings and the opportunity to feel and release the error, remorse, forgive, heal and grow
Law of attraction:
'Everything that happens in my life is a constant opportunity to grow in Love’
It is such a relief to remember this law when a very shitty situation is occurring and to swiftly move to feel into and investigate what the soul is trying to learn about love and not-love here now.
Law of non-reaction:
‘Whenever I feel to react, justify or explain, something is triggered in me that wants to be seen’
Reaction, justification and explaining means unhealed emotions are triggered and pointing to something to be felt into … always. When healed, that same situation will be dealt with in a responding, centred way without triggering any emotion within.
Law of humility:
‘It is never, ever about anyone else’
This is a great law and so helpful to entangle me from the external trigger and fully own my own feelings. It stops me from projecting outwards and truly go into the cause within.